Harbor of Hospitality

Welcome to the biggest, friendliest and most inclusive yacht club on Lake Michigan, bringing together folks from all walks of life. While we have our blue-blazer traditions, no one ever called us stuffy. What you'll find is a more laid-back vibe that invites people to just be themselves, away from the pressures of life in general. We're a busy gathering place year round, unlike typical yacht clubs that go into winter hibernation.

Dues and slip fees are surprisingly affordable, in part because our passionate members help maintain the place. Being a major Great Lakes yacht club, we host an exciting sailing and power boating scene. Yet, a growing segment of members don't even own boats. For them, SSYC is all about fellowship, in the most romantic spot on Milwaukee's lakefront. Smack in the heart of the city's most happening neighborhood.

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The Best Experience at a Reasonable Price

What's it like to be a member? It's different for everyone. You can carve out your own experience and pick your context. But we believe one thing is true across the board. Among private clubs in metropolitan Milwaukee, South Shore Yacht Club gives you one of the best experiences for the money.

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